Friday, September 9, 2011

Quick Thought on Eternity through the Eyes of a Hebrew

I realized after writing yesterday how much I had actually written. Maybe it'd be best to follow it up with a quick and to the point summary. So, here it is - stated very much as a matter of fact, my apologies.

To the original Biblical audience, the term “eternal” was understood as to refer not to the life they looked forward to once they were dead and in paradise, but to the life that was available to them presently through Christ, who is the lamb slain before the foundation of the world. This life possesses the quality of eternity and it is not to be misunderstood as if to say that our possession of eternal life is, itself, (qualitatively) eternal. If this had been the case John 3:16 would read “whoever believes in Him will never perish, but have eternal possession of (eternal) life”, but it doesn’t. John was deliberate in describing life as having the quality of eternity (adjective).

All the implications, examples, and misconceptions are addressed in the post from yesterday...below.

In Christ,


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